About us

Who we are

Giving voice to the voiceless, empowering the disadvantaged

The Pro-Poor Development Media Network is a project on a rescue mission to extract millions of Nigerians from multi-dimensional poverty and promote pro-poor consciousness at every phase of policy formulation and all levels of governance in the country. This is a dedicated project to end poverty through the grooming and coordination of media experts and media activities to give voice to the less privileged and the disadvantaged in our communities.

The Network emerged to promote a new order that is not necessarily against the opulent but one that prioritises the value of the poor as the first measure of good governance and development policies and strategies. 

Our approach

Our Mission
The Pro-Poor Development Media Network is on a rescue mission to extract millions of Nigerians from multi-dimensional poverty and promote pro-poor consciousness at every phase of policy formulation and all levels of governance in the country.
Our Vision
We aim to end poverty through the grooming and coordination of media experts and media activities to give voice to the less privileged and the disadvantaged in our communities.
Our Partners